Hello! Welcome to “Location Independent, International Jobs,” the Wednesday series where I showcase stories from people who have become location independent, work internationally, and/or continuously travel (check out previous stories here, here, here, and here!). Guest posters will be sharing how they became location independent or how they got jobs abroad, but most importantly, they’ll share how their lifestyle has positively or negatively affected their finances and how they got to the life they’re living now.
The reason for this series is to showcase people who have already achieved what the ThreeYear family is working towards: location independence and/or securing international jobs. Since we’re not sure which route we’ll take, we thought we’d hear from people who’ve already achieved one or the other, so we can learn more.
Today, I’d like to introduce you to Mrs. Adventure Rich, a twenty-something Midwesterner married to Mr. Adventure Rich, a thirty-something handyman. The couple recently had a kid, bought a house and property, and began documenting their journey to financial independence on their blog, Adventure Rich. Mrs. AR gives us tons of great details on how she negotiated a remote position and moved back home to Michigan to be close to her family. Take it away, Mrs. AR!
Can you tell us a little bit about your background?

I am originally from northern Michigan. My parents were small business owners who hustled to grow their outdoor sports goods store, and I was raised with a passions for all things outdoors. I attended college in southern California where I graduated and headed into a business career based near Los Angeles. During my first summer working, I “met” (we knew of each other, but never on personal terms) the future Mr. Adventure Rich. He took me mountain biking on our first date and the rest is history 😉 We got married in 2013 and our son, Adventure Rich Jr., arrived in 2015. In the 2 years of his life, he has developed into a crazy-energetic kiddo whose favorite pastime is challenging us to running races down our driveway (yes, really… I’m a runner and he tires me out!).
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